Contact Us

Thanks for being part of the community.
To ensure that your message reaches the right place, please see the below
News tips and website content complaints
If you have a news tip or complaint that is directly related to content on, including video and photos, you can email us directly -
You’ll receive an automated response, but rest assured a real human will read your email.
Seven Network footage requests
If you have seen our content on social media and/or our website, and are interested in getting in touch regarding permission to use, please contact our clip sales team via email.
Website technical support
If you’re having a problem with the website, you can head here to get started.
Social media
For any feedback, questions or complaints regarding 7NEWS social media platforms, the quickest and easiest way is to contact your local state through Facebook Messenger.
- Australia -
- Sydney -
- Melbourne -
- Brisbane -
- Adelaide -
- Perth -
If you don’t have Facebook Messenger, you can head to the 7NEWS Support website.
Other feedback or feature ideas
If you have a feature idea, feedback or you’re trying to find a story you’ve seen on 7NEWS, you can head here and select the relevant option.
Digital sales and advertising
If you want mass cultural impact for your brand, and integration expertise, advertise with Seven.
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